Our office is now becoming more and more digital. Almost no paperwork yet often necessary in a fireproof safe office paper. What is it impossible to keep paperwork on computers, why all this is necessary to the safe and a safety deposit box selected are just some of the questions we ask ourselves about the office in a fireproof safe.

What is fireproof safe fireproof safe

is actually a box Another is encased in a protected, including surveillance material has combustion. This material can be made from various types of materials that are commonly used: mica, mineral wool, flakes and powder. In the recent past would have been used to create fire with asbestos insulation material, however, is well known carcinogen and is banned. Today you can find companies that sell fireproof asbestos, although this may not allowed. All fireproof safes must be a standard that explicitly specifies the level of immunity fire. Anything other than a standard label does not have immunity to the fire. There are degrees of robustness and fire protection levels. The most common will usually immunity standard hourly fire.

Installation and anchoring safe fireproof safe

As we know must be properly grounded to prevent a thief to take her with him. However, a common mistake is to think that the fire-resistant safe has set and anchor. As stated vault built a double lined up between him have combustion material, safe sealed against moisture and heat input during combustion, so if it is determined safe or made in favor of fixing a hole, then we break out of its isolation, of course, if the insulation has been compromised immunity fire occurs. To sharpen the matter should be understood that the first and foremost aim is to protect against fire, heat and moisture. No main goal to protect against theft because it is office paper, yet there are immunity fire safes types of standard cost Burglar addition to the fire-fighting device, the vault have 2 cards, usually 2 or approvals. Each installation of any type safe it requires the installer to fill installation report satisfaction.