What is a safe magnetic media?

Safe magnetic media is basically fire-resistant safe designed to keep the magnetic media devices such as tape backup from fire, heat, fire and moisture.

Well known scorched paperwork at a temperature of about 170 degrees Celsius, magnetic media is more sensitive and a temperature of about 48-49 degrees Celsius is destroyed. Usually what causes moisture damage is increasing magnetic media safe space.

What purpose magnetic media safes?

Magnetic media safes are very strict standard safes immunity fire.

Designation fireproof safe magnetic media does not protect against burglary theft.

The main purpose of safe magnetic media is preventing the heat and humidity minimum time, there are safety deposit boxes also resistant to magnetic media for two hours.

standing time is the actual time the interior of the vault where the temperature is kept low.

How safe is built magnetic media ?

safe magnetic media may fireproof safe from the outside into which introduced additional internal cupboard which is usually made of wood or metal with sides mullahs materials inserted between combustion and moisture seals ..

inside closet wall thickness affects the remaining storage volume but also creates more quality protection.

In addition, and similar to safes, fireproof door of safe magnetic media is installed with the handle special called 'Handle Panic' or 'door alarm' The purpose of these doors are seven emergency is when bursts of fire can slam the door quickly by pushing thereby creating obstruction of fire

instilling safe anchorage and installation of safes magnetic media:

well known safe if that is not anchored properly and not meaning you steal it or pull it easily.

magnetic media safes but they are not intended to protect against theft and usually store them cool equipment or objects .

safe magnetic media meant purely magnetic media and so there is no fear of theft great fear is fire or moisture contents hurt.

therefore magnetic media safes not only put up those forbidden to install them. Every hole drilled or intended to be installed is strictly forbidden, the reason for this is that every drilled hole or hit opacity safe and allow heat and moisture to penetrate.

Cases where protected material is important and we want yet also meet the need of safe magnetic media and also prevent burglary and theft has defender of the room where the safe is safe or alternatively invite a dedicated magnetic media to protect against theft.