Home safes | Office safes

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  Name Description Category Manufacturer Price Additional data
Safe home | office gladiator Model 25

Answering that reinforcement and office high-level operation and protection against theft and burglary of an occasional breaks

Home safes | Office safes Gladiator
Safe home | office gladiator Model 20

Answering that reinforcement and office high-level operation and protection against theft and burglary of an occasional breaks

Home safes | Office safes Gladiator
Heavy safe Mezuda 65

The safe is made of hardened steel and special concrete casting, similar to the American standard. The safe is built of steel and 70-foot protective materials in the door and body

Professional heavy safes Mezuda
Heavy safe Mezuda 50

The safe is made of hardened steel and special concrete casting, similar to the American standard. The safe is built of steel and 70-foot protective materials in the door and body

Home safes | Office safes Mezuda
Heavy safe Mezada 300

The safe is made of hardened steel and special concrete casting, similar to the American standard. The safe is built of steel and 70-foot protective materials in the door and body

Professional heavy safes Mezada
Heavy safe Mezada 250

The safe is made of hardened steel and special concrete casting, similar to the American standard. The safe is built of steel and 70-foot protective materials in the door and body

Professional heavy safes Mezada
Heavy safe Magen 30

The safe is made of hardened steel and special concrete casting, similar to the American standard. The safe is built of steel and 50-foot protective materials in the door and body

Professional heavy safes Magen